From the Calm Seat to the Hot Seat – Cultivating a Meditation Practice Which Spans Both Worlds

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

The retreat will be jointly led by Judy Lief, senior teacher in the tradition of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and master editor of his works, and the senior teachers of the Westchester Meditation Center (WMC) - Derek and Jane Kolleeny, and Gene Bobker. This mostly silent retreat will be primarily focused on sitting meditation, but the daily schedule will also include walking meditation, talks, guided meditations, yoga, and free time, with two individual meetings with a meditation instructor and discussion groups on two evenings.

Selah: An Awkward Grace – An Online Course Exploration and In-Person Retreat

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In collaboration with Dr. Bayo Akomolafe / Dancing with Mountains and Ayin Press, we offer a short course exploration, and an in-person retreat called ‘Selah’. Selah is a series of retreats crafted around Dr. Akomolafe’s thesis that contemporary times call for something more than healing, justice, resolution, or solution.

Integration & Wholeness with Dr. Daniel Siegel

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

Join Dr. Daniel Siegel for an immersive retreat at the Garrison Institute, where science and contemplative wisdom meet to unlock new understandings of the mind, personality, and our journey toward wholeness. Through the lens of Patterns of Developmental Pathways (PDP), an interpersonal neurobiology-informed framework inspired by the Enneagram, Dr. Siegel will guide participants in discovering how innate tendencies and learned behaviors shape our sense of self—and how these patterns can become pathways to transformation.

“A Rising Tide of Oneness”: Unity Consciousness for a World in Bits and Pieces

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

A day-long symposium to explore and celebrate the spiritual legacy of Fr. Thomas Keating: Trappist monk, enlightened spiritual master, founder of the Centering Prayer movement, and a pillar of contemplative inter-spiritual dialogue. The symposium will weave together teaching, practice, panel discussions, and provocative immersion sessions as we dive deeply into Fr. Thomas’s prophetic vision of Oneness as both an inner state of consciousness and an outer pathway of planetary healing.

5-Day Silent Retreat with Cynthia Bourgeault and David Frenette

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In this five-day silent retreat, Cynthia Bourgeault will be teaching from her newly published book, Thomas Keating: The Making of a Modern Christian Mystic, in a deep dive into Thomas Keating’s final visionary insights on Christian nonduality and planetary Oneness. Joining her will be longtime Centering Prayer colleague David Frenette, bringing his own complementary insights into Unity Consciousness and contemplative service.

The Heart of Devotion Retreat with Krishna Das (2025)

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

Join Krishna Das and friends for a weekend retreat of yoga, chanting, and devotional heart-opening practices. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with a group of dedicated seekers and immerse yourself in practices, teachings, and discussions.

Seven-Day Retreat at Garrison Institute with Rupert Spira (March 2025)

For those of us who love to dive deeply into the heart of the non-dual understanding, retreats offer an unprecedented opportunity: seven days with Rupert and friends, nestled in a beautiful location in nature, where we steep together in the peace of our true nature. Retreats gather us in the heart of being, where we spend our days in self-abidance, friendship and creativity.

LOVE is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe: A Virtual Retreat

Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg joins with Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andres Gonzalez of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) to offer a program exploring the depths, capacity, and meaning of love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is cohesive and attracting, and is not bound by space or time. Learn to get in touch with and share the infinite love inside of you with meditation, yoga, and additional contemplative practices.

LGBTIQ+ Retreat: Waking Up Fabulous – Taking Refuge & Care (2025)

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

Open to all who identify as: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, or Queer +. This retreat is an opportunity for us to come together as an LGBTIQ+ community and care for ourselves: to remember who we really are and to recollect our true inner goodness.

21st Century Dharma with the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

Dharma is a concept that underlies Buddhist and Hindu practice. It provides guidance on how to navigate the world – whether you’re meditating under a tree or trying to create an ethical life in the 21st century. Over 3 virtual sessions, we will examine how Indian thought traditions have understood dharma in the original texts and how much of this is practical in a modern context. Beginning with an overview of dharma, we will examine the applicability of dharmic ideas in the here-and-now before discussing dharma and the greatest issue facing us all – environmental change.

SAVE THE DATE: Annual Retreat for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (June 2025)

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In a time of increasing disruption and loss of cohesion, it is more important than ever before to have a place of refuge that is stable, especially for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities. In this retreat, mindfulness will be at the heart of all we do. In addition to daily dharma teachings, we will practice daily mindful walking, or moving, sitting (or stationary) meditation, mindful eating, singing, dharma writing, and dharma sharing.

Synthesis For a Changing World: A Summit & Festival of Synthesis

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

At a time when our sense of ourselves, purpose and meaning-making often seems stretched (to say the least), this event is convened by the Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis. Recognizing the limitations of anthropocentric notions of separation, Synthesis for a Changing World invites us to move beyond the familiar patterns and silos of our thinking, training and disciplines.