Dr. Bayo Akomolafe on “Postactivism”

In this talk with Garrison Institute Fellowship Director Dr. Angel Acosta, “Contemplating Postactivism: Reframing Our Approach to Social Change,” Bayo Akomolafe began by asking the provocative question: “What if the way we respond to the crisis is part of the crisis?” Dr. Akomolafe is a celebrated philosopher, writer, activist, professor, and international speaker. His work produced the concept of “postactivism,” which refuses the “us vs. them” thinking of traditional activism.

Susana Mendoza on Clarity and Human Relationships

Welcome again to the Compassionate Leadership in Finance Podcast. This collaboration with Mindful on Wall Street presents illuminating discussions with successful financial decision-makers on how they apply mindful leadership in their everyday life and work.

In this episode we chat with Susana Mendoza, MD Private Equity Capital Markets at TD Securities. She’s also a founding member of Mindful on Wall Street, a grassroots collaboration of mindfulness champions across the financial services industry.

Zen, Contemplative Practice, and the Emergence of Black Queer Joy

This narrative essay offers an exploration of the ways in which contemplative practice can be part of a strategy for nurturing health, well-being, meaning and joy in our everyday lives as Black contemplatives. Drawing on my experience as a Black queer scholar and college professor, attention is given to the notion of contemplative practice as a way of cultivating our internal emotional, intellectual and spiritual resources.

CARE: An Educator SEL Program with Proof

CARE is a unique evidence-based program designed to help educators (teachers and administrators) reduce stress and enliven their teaching and leadership by promoting awareness, presence, compassion, reflection, and inspiration – the inner resources they need to help themselves and their students flourish, socially, emotionally, and academically. 

Announcing Our New Pathways to Planetary Health Director, Stephen M. Posner

The Garrison Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Posner as the new Director of our Pathways to Planetary Health initiative.

“We are thrilled to have Stephen on board and look forward to working together towards our shared goal of promoting the health and well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants,” says Karen Doyle Grossman, the new executive director of the Institute. “His expertise and experience in the field of planetary health will be invaluable in advancing our mission, and we are excited to see the positive impact that we’ll all make together.”

The Contemplative Artist’s Way

From ancient wisdom traditions to secular and science-based approaches to mindfulness, people have always found ways to engage contemplative practices to foster wellbeing and channel attention. In this Fellowship Forum from April 13, Kenji Summers, Sickamore, Quiana Parks, and Dr. Angel Acosta discussed the creative ways that people are cultivating groundedness amidst this tumultuous historical moment.

Igniting Action at the Intersection of Art, Ecology, and Contemplation

The Garrison Institute was honored to welcome the work of Paz Perlman and artists from the Think About Water collective into the ensemble of contributors at our recent Pathways to Planetary Health Symposium in March. These critically acclaimed artists are known for their powerful bodies of work that grapple with today’s most profound societal and environmental challenges.