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August 30, 2024—September 2, 2024

How to Get Over Yourself: Finding the Bliss Beyond Self-Fixation and Fear


In Western countries that emphasize individual uniqueness, people are seen as wholly independent, autonomous, solely responsible for their psychological well-being; one’s sense of self, and how one is seen by others, is constructed from their achievements, personality quirks, physical appearance and careers.

Individualism has beneficial aspects: it allows us to make important decisions—how we express ourselves creatively, the work we pursue, who we affiliate with and date—without intrusive oversight or influence from one’s government, work of family.

And yet the emphasis on our individual uniqueness has led to higher rates of emotional isolation, loneliness, alienation, anxiety and other forms of dis-ease. As the Buddha noted throughout the dharma, our fixation of “how do I compare with others?” “What’s going to happen to me in the future?” “What do others think about me?” is the root cause of Papañca, the stressful, intrusive, repetitive thinking that underlies suffering.

In this retreat we’ll review a wide array of contemplative and somatic embodiment practices as well as contemporary psychological based tools to overcome self-fixation and gain access to a core drive to connect with the transpersonal serenity of being, getting curious with existence, and being kinder to our core beings.

We will also offer yoga/movement taught by Lindsey Liberatore.

This is an in-person retreat appropriate for both new and experienced practitioners.



Josh Korda has been the guiding teacher of DharmaPunx NYC since 2005, and is a regular visiting teacher at Zen Care. He has a large Buddhist mentoring private practice and regularly authors pieces for Lion’s Roar, Tricycle and Buddhadharma. More information and links to his podcast at www.dharmapunxnyc.com.



Kathy Cherry is a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner, Mindfulness & Meditation instructor and coach with over two decades of dedicated mindfulness practice in the Insight Meditation tradition. She combines Somatic Experiencing® with Mindfulness and Buddhist teachings to create an integrative approach that helps connect the intellect, body, and senses to facilitate health and regulation. Her style emphasizes embodiment, compassion, and practical wisdom both in meditation practice and in everyday life. Learn more at http://www.kathycherry.com/.

Lindsey Liberatore 
has been teaching yoga since 2008 and meditation since 2014. Her classes blend yoga, Buddhist Studies, meditation and a healthy dose of anatomy nerd to create a playful format of mindful movement and self-investigation.



Scholarships available! This retreat has some additional scholarship opportunities available from the Hemera Foundation. For more information about the Hemera Foundation scholarship, please visit here. To apply, click here.



The health and safety of our guests and staff is a top priority for the Garrison Institute. To attend a retreat or event all guests, teachers, and staff are required to self-test (at home antigen test is acceptable) within the 48-hour window prior to arriving for a retreat on site, and to bring a 2nd self-test kit when coming on site. We encourage everyone to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and other illnesses before your visit. If you experience symptoms or have a positive diagnosis, please notify us immediately at events@garrisoninstitute.org We will continue to follow any COVID-19 guidelines set forth by our local officials, New York State and the CDC.