Belonging to Ourselves and Each Other

Being an immigrant to the US, a person of color, and genderqueer, much of my life I never felt I belonged fully to any particular group or community. A coping strategy I learned early on was to conform to the dominant culture so that I didn’t stand out with the hope of being accepted and loved. That stopped working for…

Digital Mindfulness

Digital Culture, Digital Media What are we doing with our digits?  We count and calculate using our fingers. We paint, draw, and access all manner of tools through our fine motor articulation. Musical keyboards require all fingers to produce something of resonance, as does a violin or a guitar. All of our creative activity produces some form of digital media…

Running Away Deepens the Trance of Fear

The below is an edited excerpt from Brach’s Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha. A traditional folk tale tells the story of a man who becomes so frightened by his own shadow that he tries to run away from it. He believes that if only he could leave it behind, he would then be happy.…