Orlando Villarraga

Puerto Nuevo, Baja California/San Diego, California | Poet, Music, Film, Indigenous Wisdom, Community Builder Meditation 

Orlando is a poet, musician, and visual artist. As an ally to the Teyuna indigenous tribes of Colombia, Orlando contributes as an interpreter and organizer to help bridge communication of ancient earth-based philosophy to the western world, as well as supporting the tribal communities in the process of living in a post-colonial society. A cofounder of The Resonance Experience, a group of innovators revealing the power of experiential sound in “refreshing” how we listen to the world, Orlando’s work includes guiding deep personal inquiries in the form of sound meditation. He has shared his experiences at NYU’s Love Class, The Interpersonal Neurobiology Conference, and the SAND conference. Orlando is happy and continues to learn from the universe as his university.

Area of Inquiry:

investigating into what are the impacts of art and music guided by contemplative wisdoms and community connections to bring someone to an intimate space of self connection in efforts of translating that to an outwards expression of compassion, which knows no bounds of separation