Selma Quist-Møller

Copenhagen, Denmark | Researcher (post-traumatic growth and mindfulness). Cand.Psych, Psychologist, Writer, Meditation and Mindfulness Practitioner

Selma Quist-Møller is a psychologist educated at UC Berkeley, UCLA, Copenhagen University, and Lund University. She specializes in research within positive health psychology, post-traumatic growth, compassion, and mindfulness, and works through the interdisciplinary approach of Interpersonal Neurobiology. She focuses on bridging science and mindfulness practices to generate action that cultivates individual, collective, and planetary well-being, growth, health, and justice. Through this approach, she has been part of a research project teaching leaders at Google in a mindfulness-based leadership program for sustainability development. Additionally, she is passionate about making science accessible for everyone, which she does in various ways, including as a writer for UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and at Danish Center for Mindfulness. She was recently invited to share her research and practices within the Danish Parliament and for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

Area of Inquiry: How can we use our individual and collective trauma for growth rather than collapse?