personal and social change

Changing for Real

Renowned teachers and authors Ethan Nichtern and Sharon Salzberg will be leading a retreat on “Real Change” at the Garrison Institute on December 14-16, 2018. We talked with them recently about the nature of both personal and social change, and how creating supportive communities is essential to the practice of Real Change. Nora Boxer: Why do we paradoxically both want change…

Great Teachers Are Transparent

Some of my favorite teachers are philosophical masters. Deft, witty, and inconceivably ambidextrous with their material, they are the Dread Pirate Roberts of their given subject. Regardless of the field of study, it’s always awesome when the teacher knows history, context, and technique backward and forward. As a student, you always feel safer in the hands of a teacher who…

Our Favorite Books in 2016

From urban planning to animal rights to end-of-life care, Garrison Institute teachers and friends published books on a wide variety of topics in 2016. Below are some of our favorites. Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living by Krista Tippett In her popular podcast, On Being, journalist Krista Tippett shares conversations with scientists, theologians, poets, activists,…

VIDEO: How Can Our Nation Begin to Heal After The Election?

In the wake of last night’s election results, many of us are experiencing feelings of confusion, sadness, doubt, anger, and fear. Whatever we’re feeling, though, it’s important to allow ourselves to fully experience our emotions. As meditation teacher and author Ethan Nichtern says, “The point of meditation is not to suppress your feelings. It is to make friends with yourself.”…

Where I End and You Begin

I have a little theory about enlightenment. If you were all alone in an alternate universe (population: you), you could get enlightened quickly, if you set your intention. Your life would be greatly simplified. There would be no border disputes, no angry divorces, no revenge narratives starring Clint Eastwood. Facebook would be extremely boring, with a total of 0 friends…