Health Care Workers Risk Burn Out. How Will They Get the Care They Need?

By Sharon Salzberg and Diana Calthorpe Rose This article originally appeared in Newsweek. It’s been a long plague year. COVID-19 hospitalization rates are declining, but the stress level of health care workers remains sky-high. We’re in the pandemic’s third wave, and only a few weeks away from peak hospitalizations in early January. New, more contagious strains of the virus could increase…

Watch now—Pathways to Planetary Health: Joanna Macy

On January 14, 2021, Garrison Institute presented a rare conversation with Joanna Macy, exploring our relationship to the earth and the pathways to healing during this critical time. As Macy has asked, “How can I be fully present to my world–present enough to rejoice and be useful–when we as a species are destroying it?” Drawing on her work at the intersection…

Ending Racism: How to Change the World in One Generation

Almost every piece of work or literature that I’ve read on racism is built on one assumption: that it cannot end. Or at best, that it will be a “lifelong fight.” That ending racism will be something that “will probably never happen in our generation.” Most of the quotes you hear about the fight against racism sound something like this:“We used…