What We’re Working On

The 2020 Pathways to Planetary Health Symposium identified the financial sector as a leverage point for change. Large financial institutions have a role in creating behavioral change, and shifting investment patterns to favor environmental regeneration over exploitation and degradation.

To that end, over the next three years, PPH will deliver a series of programs on Planetary Health and Regenerative Finance for major financial institutions, the impact investing community, and the public. Designed in collaboration with professors at leading schools of business, public health, environment, and theology, these programs explain the concept of regenerative finance grounded in an ethics of the Anthropocene, and convey a decision-making framework investors can use to promote planetary health.

We are now launching ESG Frameworks and Finance as a Pathway to Planetary Health with a cohort of decision-makers at a major global financial institution, and we will continue to deliver this virtual course to other partner institutions in 2022. In partnership with Garrison Institute International (GII), we have also developed Compassionate Leadership in Finance, an invitation-only program that shares PPH’s commitment to effecting transformative change in the financial services sector.

Please join us for insights from PPH through our Forum series, which brings experts from the field into conversation with Jonathan F.P. Rose, Garrison Institute cofounder and chairman.