Thomas Berry and the Great Work

The mission of the THOMAS BERRY FOUNDATIONis to carry out the Great Work of Thomas in enhancing the flourishing of the Earth community. Created in 1998 by Thomas Berry, Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim, Martin Kaplan, and Thomas’ sister, Margaret Berry, the Foundation has promoted Thomas’ ideas.

The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale

The objective of the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale University is to create a new academic field of study that has implications for environmental policy and environmental humanities. The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale is an international multireligious project, which recognizes that religions need to be in dialogue with other disciplines in seeking comprehensive solutions to…

Living in the Future’s Past

In this beautifully photographed tour de force of original thinking, Academy Award winner, Jeff Bridges shares the screen with scientists, profound thinkers and a dazzling array of Earth’s living creatures to reveal eye-opening concepts about ourselves and our past, providing fresh insights into our subconscious motivations and their unintended consequences.

Contemplative Commons

Open-source platform for ethics-based and contemplative research on social transformation and sustainability.

The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Notes for a Contemplative Ecology

What might it mean to behold the world with such depth and feeling that it is no longer possible to imagine it as something separate from ourselves, or to live without regard for its well-being? To understand the work of seeing things as an utterly involving moral and spiritual act? Such questions have long occupied the center of contemplative spiritual…