Dan Schrag presenting at CMB 2013
In his recent post to his New York Times Dot Earth blog, “Could Climate Campaigners’ Focus on Current Events be Counterproductive?” Andy Revkin offers a thought-provoking take on the climate news climate, and on our 2013 Climate, Mind and Behavior (CMB) symposium, where he moderated a session on the current orientation towards climate change “preparedness” and its long-term implications. Pointing out “how environmental campaigners, in trying to engage a public for which global warming has little salience, may be helping sustain the still-common view that greenhouse-driven warming remains uncertain science,” Revkin cites our CMB symposium discussions of “the merits and drawbacks of real-time and long-term arguments for addressing climate change.”
The post goes on to describe and link Dan Schrag’s and Elke Weber’s presentations from the CMB session Revkin moderated, and embeds a video of the panel discussion he led with them afterwards. Revkin invites his readers to watch the videos and weigh in on them by posting a comment. That sparked a lively, ongoing public discussion of our CMB symposium, with over 200 Dot Earth readers posting comments. You can add yours here.